Center for the Physics of the Living Cell

The goal of the Center for the Physics of Living Cells (CPLC), an NSF Physics Frontiers Center Program, is to make transformational advances at a genuine scientific frontier: the physics of living cells. The challenge in crafting a quantitative, physical description of living systems is formidable, requiring both accurate structural understanding of hierarchical assemblages of atoms and highly-resolved determination of dynamical processes on many scales.

Can a Principal Investigator be changed?

Yes. The Principal Investigator serves at the discretion of the institution, and certain events may necessitate a change in Principal Investigator. For example, if the Principal Investigator is departing the institution, but the grant is remaining, the institution would need to designate a new PI. The terms of the sponsored award will typically require prior written approval from the sponsor for a change in Principal Investigator.

Can a student serve as a Principal Investigator, Multiple-Principal Investigator, or Co-Principal Investigator?

No. Students may not serve as either a Principal Investigator, Mulitple-Principal Investigator, or Co-Principal Investigator. In the event a graduate fellowship is awarded as a grant, the Dean of the Graduate College, the Dean’s designee, or the student’s faculty advisor shall be designated as the Principal Investigator. Even if a sponsor requires that the student’s name be listed as Principal Investigator externally, the university still will not permit the student to serve as PI internally. However, these students can be listed as Co-I to help track these projects.