Campus Funding Programs

A female professor lectures during a College of Applied Health Sciences class in the Khan Annex.

ACES Future Interdisciplinary Research Explorations

Encourages creativity and collaboration between ACES faculty and research partners.

College of Agricultural, Consumer & Environmental Sciences Feed Technology Center

ACES Office of International Programs Seed Grants Program

Stimulates and promotes strong relationships between ACES faculty and international faculty that will develop and flourish into larger, sustainable, collaborative efforts.

A dance perfomance

Arts CO+RE

An outgrowth of the CO+RE Program that extends the OVCRI's interest in community-directed and responsive practices for engaging local youth and adults in the generative and creative practice of the arts.

Bridge Logo

BRIDGE Seed Funding

Jointly established seed fund between UIUC and the University of Birmingham to stimulate wider academic engagement between the two universities.

A female personnel services staff member smiling during a meeting.

Campus Research Board

Established in 1932 to serve the campus as a conduit for the distribution of funding to support full-time tenured/tenure-track faculty members’ research projects and creative activities. 

A female professor listens to a student

CAS Associates

These appointments provide tenured UIUC faculty members with one semester of release time to pursue an individual scholarly or creative project.

A male professor gives a presentation

CAS Fellows

These appointments provide untenured UIUC faculty one semester of release time to pursue an individual scholarly or creative project.

Female professor lectures to political science class in Gregory Hall.

CAS George A. Miller Visiting Professors & Scholars

Partial funding of visiting faculty appointments, offering a means for bringing outside experts to UIUC to participate in scholarly, professional, or creative programs.

Male professor lectures to class

CAS/MillerComm Public Events Series

Partial funding of visiting speakers or performers and including them in this prestigious program of lectures and cultural events. 

Elderly couple holding hands

CHAD Pilot Grants

Support innovative interdisciplinary research that advances our understanding of health and wellness, aging, and disability.

Community research program

The Community + Research Partnership Program

A pilot program that unites Illinois researchers and community members to address the needs and interests of Urbana-Champaign communities through sustainable, equitable partnerships.

School of Social Work Student

CSBS Small Grant Program

Brings together interdisciplinary research teams to develop ambitious research projects showing promise for external funding. 

A female professor lectures

HRI Faculty Fellowships

The program enables fellows to develop research projects related to the year's theme and to participate in the yearlong interdisciplinary Fellows Seminar and other related programming.

Michigan Lakeshore

Illinois–Indiana Sea Grant

Funding to researchers in Illinois and Indiana who are working on issues of importance to the southern Lake Michigan region.

People walking at an airport

Illinois International Research Travel Grants and Conference Grants

Awards for full-time, tenure-track faculty for travel and related expenses for presenting at international conferences that takes place outside the U.S.

Male professor lecturing in classroom.

Illinois Leadership Center Faculty Fellows

Support original research on leadership, interdisciplinary collaboration, research that will advance the mission of leadership at Illinois, and faculty engagement with the Illinois Leadership Center.

Researchers at the Visualization Wall


Provides direct access and competitive grants to engineers and physicians working to combat healthcare problems. 


Lemann Institute for Brazilian Studies Research Grants

Available to all UIUC faculty members who are developing research about Brazil.

Disabled veteran wearing prosthetic hand developed by engineering graduate student.

Military Service Knowledge Collaborative Seed Grant Program

Fosters innovative research and sustainable partnerships with military/veteran communities.

NCFDD Faculty Success Program

NCFDD Faculty Success Program

An intense, 12-week, online-based program where participants learn strategies to increase their research productivity.

National Center for Supercomputing Applications building

NCSA Faculty Fellowships

Opportunities for UIUC faculty and researchers to catalyze and develop long-term research collaborations between Illinois departments, research units, and NCSA

Researcher giving a lecture

The Olga G. Nalbandov Lecture Fund

Funding of up to $30,000 to sponsor public lectures or symposia on current topics of interest in the fields of biological and biochemical sciences that enrich the campus intellectual environment in the life sciences.

Male professor lectures in class

Specialized Faculty Scholars Travel Fund Program Pilot

Offers specialized faculty up to $200 support for one virtual conference convening per year to present original scholarly research and/or creative work.

The Sustainable Student Farm

Student Sustainability Committee

Allocates $1.47M annually toward the development and seed-funding of projects that have an environmental impact on the university community. 



